MATTHEW 1:18-25
Whose Son Is He
? What Is His Name?By Johnny Tatum
Importantly, it is necessary to stress the following:
The Birth of Messiah Jesus Was Not the Beginning of the Word
We must stress [rightly]:
Messiah Jesus Is Eternal God
And yes, in accordance with Scripture:
The Word Is Eternal and the Second Person of the Godhead Has Always Existed
However, we might miss something important…
Jesus of Nazareth, the Baby born in Bethlehem, had not existed from eternity. Jesus of Nazareth, the human being, was:
A Brand New Person
The Second Person of the Godhead (God the Son) is Eternal. However, when He entered that body and became Jesus of Nazareth, that person had not existed before. God did something new: He created a brand new person.
When God the Son became a human being, [in a way] the Godhead altered His own nature for us. The Godhead was different now. This may seem like something shocking to say, because the Godhead is eternal. But there is a big difference now; part of the Godhead is a human being.
Jesus of Nazareth was a new person, and He is also Eternal God. How can both of those be true? Jesus of Nazareth was a New Person, but He was also Eternal God.
Let us go back to the question:
Whose Son Is He?
The answer is — it depends because He had two natures, as follows:
This is something we will see as we go through the book of Matthew. Know ahead that it is impossible to understand!
What is really impossible to comprehend is that the two natures did not co-mingle; His divine nature and His human nature did not mix together, but He was One Person:
The Son was completely God and completely a new person:
Christ Jesus existed in the form of God…but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. (Philippians 2:6-7)
He retained all of His attributes of deity, and He took on the limitations of humanity.
This passage challenges some of our thinking. It is easy to have a wrong idea about His birth. For instance, some individuals [incorrectly] believe:
The fact is:
Jesus of Nazareth did have a human mother; Mary really was His mother.
I think this is another time when we over react, because:
Mary was NOT the mother of God
.God does not have a mother — Mary was not the mother of God, however:
Mary was the mother of His human nature.
We know that she was not the mother of God, but do we really believe that Mary was His real mother? She was and she had to be, or He would not be human.
Jesus of Nazareth had to be human to die for us.
He got His human nature from Mary. Is that not amazing? This is an amazing act of condescension. The eternal God did come in a body, Jesus of Nazareth was a new person, but He got His human nature from His mother.
If Mary was Jesus of Nazareth's only biological parent, He must have looked very much like her, and maybe, Jesus was given some of Mary's human characteristics.His human nature is what He got from His mother
The virgin birth was not parthenogenesis, because Jesus of Nazareth had a Father. Somehow Holy Spirit took the role in the physical part of conception that a human father normally takes. As for the mechanics, I do not know and I do not think we should try to speculate about it. What we do know about Jesus is:
If He had a biological father, we would say it was Holy Spirit.
I want to keep coming back to the following:
Messiah Jesus Is God
We should never lose track of that truth.
Throughout the Old Testament, it was predicted that:
Messiah would be God.
Some of those predictions were veiled; some of those predictions were very direct.
Let us look at Isaiah 9:6:
For a Child will be born to us,
A child is a human being.
a son will be given to us;
A son is a human being.
And the government will rest on His shoulders;
So far, He could still be a human being.
And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)
This Person is obviously Messiah. This clearly says God was going to be born. You cannot miss that one!
Another one is from Isaiah 40:9, in a passage speaking about Messiah:
"Behold your God!" (Isaiah 40:9)
Anyone who has read this passage should have understood:
Messiah was God and He was man
.That is what the Scripture says. Unfortunately, many did not believe it.
I have heard people say They should not have received it because it did not make sense; it was too hard to understand. That is no excuse. For instance, how many people can understand and explain the Triunity of God — God is three Persons, one God? — however, does any biblical believer doubt the Triunity of God? No! There is no excuse.
One of the most amazing books of the Old Testament is the book of Job. I do not understand the book at all, and I never will, at least not until I get to heaven. I never understand how after all of his children die, God gives Job a fresh set of children and then everything is okay. Sorry, I do not get it!
What amazes me about Job was that he was out of the loop (not one of the inner and influential group).
The book of Job was probably the first book ever written; almost certainly, the events took place before Abraham and before Moses. Job did not have any special revelation, nor did he have the Scriptures. For example, he was far away from the descendants of Shem (father of the Jews and the Arabs, and the three great religions: Judaism, Islam and Christianity), and yet here is a man (Job) who says:
I know my Redeemer lives and at the last He will stand upon the earth. (Job 19:25)
Think about what Job is saying:
I know my Redeemer lives.
He knew his Redeemer was alive [right then]. He also said:
And He will stand, in the last days, on the earth.
What did Job know?
He knew Messiah was God and Messiah was man
So the Messiah had to be the Son of David. That meant that He was a human being. And most people caught that. Most people did not catch that He would be the Son of God.
As we look through the book of Matthew, we are going to see many times Jesus would be walking through a town, and what would people call out after Him?
Son of David - Son of David - Son of David! Have mercy on us Son of David!
You do not hear any of them saying:
Son of God - Son of God - Son of God!
Jesus of Nazareth did not hear Son of God throughout His whole earthly life, including the almost three and one half years of His ministry, until just a few weeks before He headed to Jerusalem to die on the Cross. Jesus of Nazareth never expected the masses to catch on, but after three and one half years He thought Maybe My disciples did, but they did not.
Finally, a few weeks before the Cross, Messiah, the Son of God, confronts His disciples and asks:
"Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"
And the disciples answered:
"Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets."
[Oh Please!] So Jesus asked the disciples:
"But who do you say that I am?"
And then Peter (of all people, the simpleton of the disciples) answered:
"You are the Messiah"
Undoubtedly, Jesus thought I have never heard this before. And Peter continues…
"You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." (Matthew 16:13-17)
Finally! Somebody got it and Jesus rejoiced! Peter caught on:
Jesus was man and He was God.
Peter caught on that Jesus of Nazareth had a human nature and He had a divine nature.
In Romans 1, Paul says:
Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which He promised before hand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures, concerning His Son,
Now look at this; He gives the two natures, as follows:
(1) concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh,
That was His human nature.
(2) who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 1:1-4)
That was His divine nature.
By the way, Paul does not say that Jesus became the Son of God at the resurrection. He says that the resurrection proves that the Child born in Bethlehem was the Son of God.
As presented in the book of John, the genealogy of Jesus traces back to Himself, back to Eternity [past]. There was never a time He did not exist, emphasizing that Jesus is God.
Matthew 1:18-25, Part 4, WAS HIS NAME IMMANUEL OR JESUS?
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