By Johnny Tatum




What has just happened? Haman has been given the king's ring, and he is in control; he has the king's authority and power. Mordecai starts grieving.

Picture: When our flesh is in control of our lives, what is Holy Spirit doing? Grieving.

Why is He grieving? Is it because He is disappointed in us, He thinks less of us, or He finds us less acceptable? No —

Holy Spirit loves us and He hates to see what we are doing

Though it is not good in itself when Holy Spirit is grieved, there is something good that happens.

Holy Spirit is a Person with emotions and a will. [It is hard to shake the impression that Holy Spirit is just some kind of influence.] When Holy Spirit is grieved, He does something about it:

He starts praying even more

Holy Spirit's prayers are:

The groanings too deep for words. (Romans 8:26)

Application: Some times the depression we feel (or possibly, a restlessness or a disturbed feeling) could very well be that Holy Spirit has been grieved, and He is praying for us. Why would that make us depressed? Because when Holy Spirit starts praying, our flesh gets killed off, and whenever our flesh gets killed off, we go through somewhat of a depression.

God's Providence: Holy Spirit does not passively pray for us; He actively does things!


Mordecai (a picture of Holy Spirit) starts to take action…


Mordecai sends a personal message to Esther by a man named Hathach, meaning the truth.

Picture: When Holy Spirit starts praying, He starts telling us truths.



What is the truth here? Haman is out to destroy all Jews.

Picture: That is the truth Holy Spirit is telling us:

Your flesh is out to kill you!

Is this not a unique picture? The flesh is not an external enemy; he is an internal enemy. The flesh is in your own house — he is in your basement! [Like the worst horror movies of all times -sic!]



Now Esther knows Haman is the enemy of all the Jews (the flesh is exposed), but she does not know exactly what she should do.

Picture: Most of the time, we are at the point where Esther is. We understand the truths about Holy Spirit and our flesh. We are not ignorant anymore, and we know what the flesh does and that the flesh is our enemy. We also know Holy Spirit is fighting against our flesh and He is praying for us. However, we tend to stall right there.

I know all of this, but so what? What do I do about it?

Let us find out…



It is essential the king (a picture of our will) understand that Haman (a picture of our flesh) is not his friend.


Stage One: Understand your own flesh is your own enemy.

Stage Two: Know the only way the flesh can be beaten is to let God do it. We cannot kill our flesh in our own strength, because our flesh never gives up. He always things he is doing pretty well. And in our flesh, we always think I can take care of this myself.



Esther does not try to kill Haman herself. What does she do? She says to Mordecai:

Whatever you tell me to do is what I will do.

Application: We do not try to conquer our flesh ourselves Flesh, I can conquer you. We say:

Holy Spirit, You deal with it.



First, Esther asks everybody to gather together to fast [and pray] on her behalf.

Note: This is the only mention of any spiritual activity in the entire book of Esther.


Number One Weapon: Exposing the flesh.

Number Two Weapon: Praying Holy Spirit will take care of the flesh (Prayer of Recognition).




In the book of Romans, Paul says:

What I want to do I cannot do, and what I do not want to do that is what I do. In my mind I serve the law of God, but in my flesh (my body) I serve the law of the flesh. And when I do live in the flesh (when I do sin), I recognize that it is not the real me, but the sin nature which indwells me. (Romans 7:15-25)

Why does Paul say that? He is exposing the flesh.

If every time a sin comes up in our life (whether it is something we think or do), we say:

No! That is not the real me; that is the flesh.


A supernatural power to weaken the flesh is enacted.

If we do not have that interpretation of Romans 7, and instead, we see it as a struggle to the life of the believer, then Romans 7 has no power and it is depressing. However, if we see Romans 7 as a triumph through exposing the flesh — No! That is not the real me, that is the flesh — then, it is not powerless or depressing.



Esther has recognized who the real enemy is. She exposes him, he is busted, and her people are fasting. And now she waits three days and three nights before doing anything.

Picture: Have we heard that expression (three days and three nights) elsewhere? Of course, the most famous:

The time interval between Messiah Jesus' crucifixion and His resurrection

The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again." (Luke 24:7)

What is important is that after three days:

Messiah Jesus was not the same as when He went on the Cross. He went onto the cross with death — our sin — on Him. He came out of the tomb with resurrection life.



After three days and three nights, Esther prepares to go to the king and she is concerned:

Will I be welcomed? and [a more severe question] Will I be killed?

Someone could go before the king only when they presented a scroll with the king's waxed seal on it. Based on the law of the Medes and Persians, if anyone showed up for an audience without the scroll and seal prominently displayed, then the bodyguards, who were formed around the palace, pulled out their swords and killed the person — no questions asked.

Understandably, Esther was apprehensive of whether or not she would be welcomed. And her primary fear was not that her own husband would slay her, but that she would be killed before she had the chance to be in front of her king.

Application: If we would go into the presence of God in our present bodies, what would happen to us…

Will we be welcomed? or Will we be killed?

We would be vaporized — annihilated — because of our sin nature. However:

In our new nature, we are always welcomed



Esther waits three days and she goes in with resurrection life to see the king.

Picture: After three days, Messiah Jesus came out of the tomb with resurrection life.



Although he has seen her before, the king is captivated by Esther's beauty — her resurrection beauty.

Picture: This is exactly the way God sees us!

The Song of Solomon presents the picture of the beauty God sees when He looks at His own children. It is not embarrassing, because God is not looking at us in the flesh. Though He is really describing His Anointed One (Messiah Jesus) since God sees us the same way He sees His Son, God is captivated by us.



The king tells Esther Ask whatever you want, and it will be given to you, up to half of the kingdom.

I do not know about you, but I would have said Kill Haman! Kill everybody who knows him! Since the king said Ask for whatever you want, up to half of the kingdom, my request would be less than half of the kingdom, so kill Haman, his family, and everybody who knows him. Kill them all!

Application: Sometimes that is what I think about the flesh. God could just zap the flesh. But He does not. Why does He not zap the flesh [particularly] of all those others who hassle me? Of course, I do not want Him to zap my own flesh, because My flesh is not a BIG problem! I think we all believe Yes, my flesh is a problem, but every one else's flesh is worse.



Esther's request seems strange: Can I have dinner with you and Haman tomorrow?

Obviously, she is under the advice of Mordecai, because that is not something she would have asked for on her own. However, Mordecai has a master plan and she is in tune with it. So Esther requests something that is not obvious.

Application: During our prayers, do we request things that seem strange to us? Or is our communication with God limited to flesh praying, whereby we only pray for obvious and mundane things?

If all of our praying is our flesh praying, monotony will set in.

A possible sign we are in tune with Holy Spirit is:

WE pray for something that previously has not occurred to us…

Where did I get that idea? Maybe that is Holy Spirit speaking through me. Maybe it is a master plan only He can fit together.

Do our plans show the mark of Holy Spirit working in us? Do we ask for strange and different things, or do we make plans that replicate those of the unregenerate?



One of the themes of this book is:

Esther [no matter her age] always does what Mordecai says.

Obviously, Esther is listening to Mordecai, although she is grown. And she does not have to listen to Mordecai; after all, she is the Queen of Persia. Regardless, she always listens to Mordecai. Why? Because, by her will, that is what she wants to do.

Application: We are not under obligation to do what Holy Spirit tells us to do. God wants us to follow His leading because, by our will, that is what we want to do.



Esther does not know what is going on, but Mordecai is working out a master plan to let Haman entrap himself.

Haman is invited to dinner with the queen and king. He goes home and he starts bragging Not only does the king like me, but so does the queen. And I am going to her house for dinner tomorrow night!

Haman is so proud of himSELF!

Application: When we get what we want, our flesh is thrilled and we are emotionally happy. And it is obvious who is wearing our ring = the FLESH.

Our flesh loves to congratulate itself.

Why? Because it is proof to the flesh that:

I told you that I could do this on my own. I do NOT need Holy Spirit.



Haman was full of joy until he sees Mordecai. Haman goes into a rage every time he sees Mordecai, including this time:

Mordecai is sitting — Haman just sees Mordecai — Haman goes ballistic.

Application: When our flesh just sees Holy Spirit, he gets angry. What does this tell us about our flesh?

Our flesh does not like Holy Spirit's presence



Haman's emotional mood changes when he sees Mordecai. To top it off, what does his wife say? Kill him! Hang him!

Application: Again, the flesh says:

Let us get rid of Holy Spirit; we do not want Him here anymore.

However —

God is Sovereign



Esther: An Allegory, PART 4: THE BULLY LOSES


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