MODERN CALENDAR (based on Gregorian System)





Convert Jewish Lunar Years to Days

69 weeks X 7 years

483 years X 360 days

= 483 Jewish lunar years

= 173,880 days

1 week = 7 years

Jewish Lunar Year - the number of times the moon goes around the earth = 12 Jewish year = 360 days

Convert Jewish Lunar Days to Solar Years and Days

173,880 days / *365.24156180 days

= 476.068447851 solar years

*Number of Days in a Solar Year (source: The Royal Naval Observatory, Greenwich, England)


.0684478951 X 365.24156180

= 25 days (exactly)


= 476 years, 25 days


Decree of Artaxerxes to Triumphal Entry

March 5, 444 BC + 476 years

= March 5, 32 AD

Decree of Artaxerxes (Nehemiah 2:1-8) = March 5, 444 BC


– 1 year

= March 5, 31 AD

Subtract one because there is no year "0"


+ 25 days

= March 30, 31 AD


Triumphal Entry


Sunday (possibly noon), March 30, 31 AD

The decree was issued at noon.



Friday, April 4, 31 AD



JEWISH CALENDAR (based on Lunar Years)





Decree of Artaxerxes to Triumphal Entry

9 Nissan 5243 + 483 years

= 9 Nissan 5726

Decree of Artaxerxes (Neh 2:1-8) = 9 Nissan 5243

Compare the Calendars:

Triumphal Entry

Jewish Calendar:

9 Nissan 5726

Modern Calendar:

March 30, 31 A.D.


Compare the Calendars:

Passover Friday

Jewish Calendar:

Friday, 14 Nissan 5726

Modern Calendar:

Friday, 4 April 31 AD

From 28 AD to 33 AD, 31 AD is the only year when Passover was on Friday


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