By Johnny Tatum



To Help Us Keep Things Straight:

Let us consider the time period corresponding to the founding of the United States of America (USA), and compare the authority and the activities of the Thrones, Powers, Principalities, Fortresses, Dominions, Rulers, and Authorities during that early American period.



The American Revolution (Revolutionary War, war of [American] Independence) was fought between Great Britain and her colonies in North America (1776-1783). The 13 colonies (Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia) won independence from the British crown, and became the original United States of America.

Primarily unbelievers wrote the plethora of political documents put out during that time and many of these documents, including the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, contained great theological statements/truths. Though we would like to think that all of the authors were believers, they were not. For example, Thomas Jefferson was probably not a believer, but he made some great theological statements in his documents.

The Declaration of Independence (authored by Thomas Jefferson — a proclamation by the Second Continental Congress declaring the 13 American colonies politically independent from Great Britain) was formally adopted on July 4, 1776. The United States Constitution (committee members who produced the rough draft included John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston — the system of fundamental laws and principles that prescribes the nature, functions, and limits of the USA government) was adopted in 1787 and put into effect in 1789



During the 1700s, America stated thinking about becoming a common nation. Based on from where the United States has come, I think we just have to say that it was:

Remember: God sovereignly rules over His entire creation, including over all of the spiritual and the physical dimensions.


Thrones and Powers

Thrones are over world divisions and they are politically oriented — they are concerned with directing and manipulating political events. Powers, on the other hand, are academically oriented and they are concerned with formulating ideologies – philosophies – theologies and the related documents. In comparison, Thrones are over the politicians and Powers are over the political philosophies.

The angelic Thrones and Powers would have been encouraging the separation between Great Britain and the American colonies.

The demonic Thrones and Powers would have been involved in trying to keep them as one nation.

The Thrones and Powers would have dispatched spirit beings under them to implement military, political, and economic activities, and to encourage ideologies – philosophies – theologies and producing documents along those lines of thought.

Let us see what the high ranking spirit beings might have been doing during the early days of the USA.


{Thrones Vertical}

Thrones are actively involved with people groups such as politicians and committee members who produce political documents [though they are not involved in the actual formation of the political philosophies and documents like the Powers are].

The godly Thrones would have been encouraging the ideology of American independence and guiding politicians, including the members of the British Parliament and the members of the American Congress, to sever ties between America and Great Britain.

The demonic Thrones would have been doing things to encourage the ideology of loyalists' allegiance to the British crown rather than allegiance to the infant USA, and they would have been influencing the members of the British Parliament to keep Great Britain and her colonies in North America as one nation.

Principalities are over nations; they would have been directly involved in the events surrounding the American Revolution.

The godly Principalities would have been doing things to facilitate the separation between the American colonies and Great Britain.

The demonic Principalities would have been doing things to encourage continued unity between Great Britain and her colonies in North America.

Fortresses are over people groups.

The godly Fortresses would have encouraged the colonists to call themselves Americans.

The demonic Fortresses would have influenced the colonists to call themselves British Colonists.

Dominions are over displaced people groups; they would have been in charge of British citizens in the American colonies and American colonists (citizens) in Great Britain.

The godly Dominions would have subdued or killed the British citizens in America; they would have discouraged the efforts of American colonists in Great Britain to press for unity.

The demonic Dominions would have used the British citizens in the American colonies to be troublemakers.


{Powers Vertical}

Powers are concerned with formulating ideologies and political philosophies — the thinking that shapes public policies. Obviously, however, there is a connection between politics and theology, in which the godly angels are more involved.

The godly Powers would have been the ones who encouraged the ideology of independence, which was tied to the theology of religious separation. This distinctive American tendency toward independence led to the creation of evangelical denominations and groups which strongly favored the preaching of the Gospel ,as opposed to the "high church" mentality that permeated Western Europe.

The demonic powers would have been the ones who were involved in the ideology of ecumenicalism to try to keep everyone in the Church of England, which was in the political arena, since this Church was (and is) a British governmental entity.

*The Church of England knew the truth of Messiah Jesus' deity and His atoning death, however, this church body deliberately rejected the truth and, because they fell away, they will never be able to go back to it. [See Hebrews 6:4-8.]

The demonic Powers would have been the ones who were involved in the ideology of ecumenicalism to try to keep everybody in the Church of England, which was in the political arena since this church body was [and still is] a British governmental entity.


Rulers and Authorities are under Powers. Rulers work very closely with Powers, because it is Rulers who are focused on political philosophies (political science). Authorities specialize in documents; they produce documents that codify the political philosophies.

At the beginning of America, there was a lot of activity back and forth between demonic Rulers and Authorities; demonic Rulers were shaping political ideas and demonic Authorities were putting those ideas into actual documents.

The godly angels cannot inspire individuals mentally, but they can engineer circumstances to get the right people to the right places. For example, the godly Rulers and Authorities would have manipulated circumstances to get Thomas Jefferson here and Benjamin Franklin there, so a lot of correct theology would be written into the secular documents — at the writing of the Declaration of Independence Creator was written into the document:

"…that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…"

However, the demonic Rulers and Authorities simply influenced minds of the unredeemed subjects and made sure that reference to God was nature's God and NOT the God of the Bible — the Father of Jesus Christ.

That explains why there is so much godly material and so much demonic material at that time. Let us consider some of the political decisions and documents that came out during that time and see where both sides had victory:

The godly Rulers and Authorities got God in all of the founding documents.

But the demonic Rulers and Authorities made sure it was a deist god with no Jesus Christ.

The godly Rulers and Authorities got references to God and Creator.

But the demonic Rulers and Authorities got the pyramid and the eye on the dollar.

The godly Rulers and Authorities got Washington D.C. established on the basis of Creator.

But the demonic Rulers and Authorities got the streets of Washington D.C. laid out in the shape of a satanic goat.






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